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Daftar Info Volunteer dapat Sertifkat Bulan Desember 2022

0 - *Open Recruitment VOLUNTEER Jelajah Cita-cita*

Halo Sobat!
Kalian suka anak-anak dan ingin berkontribusi untuk menemukan minat dan bakat mereka? 🤩

*Ayo bergabung besama Fesitival Profesi Jelajah Cita-cita 2022*

Jelajah Cita-cita adalah salah satu event yang diadakan oleh Ibu Profesional Semarang untuk membantu orang tua memfasilitasi anak-anak menemukan minat dan bakatnya, pada 

📅 Hari, tanggal : Ahad, 18 Desember 2022
⏰ Jam : 10.00 s.d. 14.00 WIB
🏢 Tempat : Graha Oryza Sativa
Perum Bulog Kanwil Jateng
Jl. Menteri Supeno I No. 28A, Mugasari, Kota Semarang

🌈Menarik kan ya? 🤩 Yuk ikutan dan bantu kami menemukan minat dan bakat anak-anak Indonesia sebagai cikal bakal penerus bangsa. 🤩

🗓️ *Periode Pendaftaran* :
25 November - 02 Desember 2022

*Syarat dan Ketentuan* :
1. Pelajar SMA/mahasiswa/fresh graduate
2. Perempuan/laki-laki belum menikah
3. Menyukai anak-anak
4. Ramah, bersemangat, bertanggung jawab
5. Khusus volunteer operator, memiliki pengalaman menjadi seorang operator
6. Siap hadir saat event tanggal 18 Desember, mulai dari jam 07.30 s.d. 15.30 WIB

*Benefit apa yang bisa kamu dapatkan?*
✅ Sertifikat Volunteer dari Jelajah Cita-cita 2022 Semarang
✅ Biaya Pengganti transportasi
✅ Snack dan Makan siang selama event berlangsung
✅ Free pass Jelajah Cita-cita 2022 Semarang
✅ Pengalaman dan jejaring baru

Daftarkan sekarang👇

📞 Narahubung
Nafisa (

Salam hangat & sampai jumpa 🤍
Panitia JCC Semarang 2022
Ibu Profesional Semarang

FIM Oye Semarang Bertemu Founder Campusnesia, Bahas Jurnalistik -- Semarang, Forum Indonesia Muda (FIM) Oye bersama volunteer FIM Oye mengadakan acara FIM Course dengan tema Jurnalistik Class. 

Tema jurnalistik kali ini menghadirkan seorang narasumber yang merupakan founder dari Campusnesia dan sekaligus CEO Loetju. Dalam acara yang diselenggarakan di Waduk Undip Tembalang ini, 6 anggota volunteer dan beberapa alumni FIM Oye mendapatkan ilmu mengenai perlu dan pentingnya belajar jurnalistik.

"Cara paling efektif untuk mengungkapkan ide dan gagasan adalah dengan menulis" ujar Achmad Munandar dalam penjelasannya, Selasa(5/9/2017). 

Narasumber menambahnya "Tips agar istiqomah dalam menulis adalah tuangkan ide-ide yang sudah ada di pikiran lalu tulis, entah itu di kertas, buku catatan, maupun note smartphone

Dengan adanya jurnalistik class ini diharapkan alumni dan volunteer FIM Oye dapat meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam bidang jurnalistik, baik itu melalui tulisan, video dan foto atau media yang lainya.

penulis : Resti
foto      : Resti
editor   : Nandar

dengan dipublikasikannya liputan pelatihan jurnalistik ini, sekaligus sebagai pengumuman pemenang lomba menulis berita jatuh pada kak Resti. Selamat ya, hadiah bisa diambil di kantor Campusnesia. 

Melangkah Dalam Keberagaman: Mahasiswa IISMA Ajak Warsawa Arungi Nusantara

0 rangka memperingati Hari Pahlawan dan Hari Batik Nasional peserta pertukaran pelajar Indonesia International Mobility Awards atau IISMA University of Warsaw melakukan beberapa rangkaian kegiatan bertemakan kebudayaan Indonesia. Rangkaian kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan Indonesia secara lebih mendalam di tanah Polandia. 

Kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi kegiatan bertemakan Hari Batik Nasional yang dilaksanakan pada 13 Oktober 2023. Dalam kegiatan ini peserta IISMA berkolaborasi dengan Volunteer Center of University of Warsaw untuk melakukan kegiatan volunteer. Dalam kegiatan tersebut para peserta IISMA membuka Batik Workshop

Dalam Batik Workshop ini terdapat beberapa kegiatan diantaranya kegiatan membuat dekorasi dengan bahan dasar bermotif batik, seperti kreasi bunga dengan bahan kain perca batik, kincir angin dari kertas batik, hingga vas bunga yang dicat dengan motif batik. Dalam sesi ini peserta IISMA Warsaw juga menyelenggarakan workshop membatik dengan alat-alat membatik yang dibawa dari Indonesia. Kegiatan membatik ini dilakukan bersama dengan para pengungsi dari Ukraina yang tengah bereda di Polandia. 

Tidak sampai disitu, pada 16 Oktober, bersama dengan pihak Volunteer Center, produk-produk hasil kesenian dari Workshop batik tadi diserahkan kepada salah satu rumah panti wreda yang berada di Warsawa. Adapun kegiatan penyerahan ini diikuti dengan presentasi terkait Indonesia. Para lansia yang mengikuti kegiatan ini pun sangat antusias, dibuktikan dengan banyaknya pertanyaan tentang Indonesia yang diberikan sewaktu presentasi. Kegiatan ini ditutup dengan tarian Poco-poco untuk menambah acara yang semakin dinamis.

Selanjutnya, untuk menyambut Hari Pahlawan Nasional peserta IISMA Warsaw juga menyelenggarakan acara pagelaran budaya yang bertajuk Indonesian Day. Acara ini dilaksankan di Baszkiwiecz Hall yang berada di Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Studi Internasional, University of Warsaw. Acara berlangsung meriah dengan lebih dari 100 hadirin. Selain dari warga sekitar kampus, acara ini juga dihadiri oleh para tamu undangan seperti Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Polandia Ibu Anita Luhulima, mantan Duta Besar Polandia untuk Indonesia Bapak Tomasz Łukaszuk, dekan fakultas, dan peserta dari perhimpunan pelajar Indonesia di Polandia. 

Pagelaran ini berlangsung dalam dua sesi. Sesi pertama merupakan sesi seremonial dimana terdapat sambutan, pertunjukan wayang kulit yang ditampilkan oleh salah satu peserta IISMA, pertunjukan tari kontemporer dan modern, hingga permainan traditional Indonesia seperti balap karung dan gangsing. 

Setelah acara seremonial berlangsung, acara diikuti dengan exhibition. Dalam sesi ini terdapat beragam stand yang menyajikan keberagaman di Indonesia. Stand pertama merupakan stand kuliner yang menyediakan makanan khas Indonesia seperti soto dan nasi goreng diikuti dengan makanan pelengkap seperti kerupuk dan sambal, dalam stand ini disediakan juga produk makanan instan Indonesia seperti Indomie yang tersedia dalam berbagai rasa. Disamping stand ini juga terdapat stand minuman yang menyediakan beragam kopi dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Beranjak ke stand berikutnya, terdapat stand kebudayaan, dimana dipamerkan beragam barang kebudayaan Indonesia seperti wayang dan replika candi yang ada di Indonesia. Tidak hanya itu, terdapat pula stand souvenir yang menyediakan lebih dari 300 item souvenir khas Indonesia, diantaranya seperti dompet batik, pembatas buku wayang dan motif kain Indonesia, hingga gantungan kunci, dan kartu pos yang melambangkan berbagai kota di Indonesia. Terakhir sebagai penutup stand terdapat stand tekstur yang khusus menyediakan berbagai kain tradisional dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. 

Disamping kedua acara besar tersebut, terdapat mahasiswa peserta IISMA University of Warsaw yang melakukan berbagai proyek pengenalan kebudayaan lain untuk mendekatkan Indonesia kepada rekan-rekan di dormitory dan rekan satu kelasnya. Adapun mahasiswa Universitas Diponegoro yang juga menjadi peserta IISMA adalah salah satunya. Mereka membuat serangkaian acara pengenalan kebudayaan Indonesia kepada rekan dormitory atau asrama. Dalam proyek ini kental dengan pengenalan kebudayaan Jawa dan Semarang dikarenakan Universitas Diponegoro sendiri yang berlokasi di Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Kegiatan meliputi pengenalan kebudayaan Jawa, pengenalan kota Semarang, pengenalan tentang cerita dibalik mata uang Rupiah, hingga  mengajak rekan asrama menyanyikan lagu berbahasa Jawa ‘cublak-cublak suweng’. Setiap kali proyek dilangsungkan mahasiswa Undip ini juga membagikan beragam cinderamata berupa kartu pos dengan tema daerah di Indonesia, pembatas buku berbentuk wayang, hingga miniatur candi. Pemberian cinderamata ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman berkesan dan agar Indonesia selalu dikenang melalui cinderamata tersebut.
Berbagai proyek dan acara ini tidak hanya membuka jendela akan kebudayaan Indonesia, melainkan juga mengukuhkan ikatan antara mahasiswa Indonesia dan masyarakat di kota Warsawa, Polandia, dalam gelombang kreativitas dan multikulturalisme. Diharapkan acara ini dapat memupuk semangat dalam memperjuangkan keberagaman dan kerjasama antara kedua negara. Acara ini juga membuktikan bahwa sebagai mahasiswa, mereka juga dapat menjadi aktor diplomasi. 

Maximilianus Pramudya Krisna Murti

Sahabat Tenggang Peduli Pendidikan Karakter Anak

Kepedulian akan permasalahan karakter anak yang semakin memprihatikan, mendorong anak-anak muda ini untuk bergerak. Mereka tergabung dalam Komunitas Sahabat Tenggang yang mulai berdiri pada 30 Desember 2012.  Awal mulanya komunitas ini merupakan inisiasi dua komunitas, yaitu: Forum Indonesia Muda (FIM) yang concern pada isu pendidikan karakter generasi muda dan Sahabat Pulau (SP) yang concern pada pendidikan anak di daerah marjinal dan terpencil.

Tenggang sendiri merupakan sebuah kampung di daerah Kaligawe. Di tempat itulah, Sahabat Tenggang memusatkan aktivitasnya, tepatnya di Jl. Kaligawe, Kampung Tenggang RT 05/ RW 07, Tambakrejo, Gayamsari, Semarang. Kepedulian Sahabat Tenggang berdasar pada beberapa isu pendidikan karakter pada anak di daerah tersebut. Seperti problematika pendidikan, dimana kepedulian orangtua terhadap pendidikan anak-anaknya masih cukup minim.

“Selain itu juga ada problematika sosial, dimana pergaulan remaja yang tidak terkendali dan cukup mengkhawatirkan, karena pengaruh lingkungan dan trend pop culture. Juga problematika lingkungan, dimana masih banyaknya warga yang apatis terhadap kebersihan lingkungan,” jelas Lukman El Hakim, ketua Komunitas Sahabat Tenggang.

Berdasar beberapa alasan tersebut, Sahabat Tenggang kemudian merancang dan melaksanakan beberapa program. Seperti Program Rubah atau Rumah Belajar Harapan. Rubah merupakan sebuah tempat belajar di Kampung Tenggang. Kegiatan ini rutin dilakukan setiap hari Senin dan Jumat. Volunteer dari berbagai kalangan datang ke sini untuk memberikan bimbingan belajar. Di dalamnya juga diisi dengan pesan-pesan moral.

“Kami juga menghadirkan Program Jurmi atau Perpustakaan Jujur dan Mini. Di sini anak-anak dilatih untuk bersikap jujur, mulai dari membaca buku dan mengembalikan buku pada posisi semula, menulis sendiri di daftar peminjam buku ketika hendak meminjam atau mengembalikan buku. Di sini warga sekitar Kampung Tenggang boleh meminjam buku di perpustakaan. Sehingga visi ‘konsep warga belajar’ bisa terwujud,” papar Mahasiswa S1 Teknik Informatika UNISSULA ini.

Program menarik lain yang dilaksanakan Sahabat Tenggang adalah Wisata Edukatif. Program ini merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan di luar ruangan, untuk memberikan pelajaran lingkungan, bersosial, dan pengetahuan umum di luar pelajaran yang di berikan di bangku sekolah. Biasanya dengan mengunjungi tempat-tempat bersejarah, instansi pemerintah, objek wisata, dan tempat-tempat sekitar Kampung Tenggang. Di sela-sela kunjungan biasanya diselipkan permainan kelompok untuk anak-anak, guna menumbuhkan jiwa solidaritas.

“Kelas Inspirasi juga menjadi salah satu program Sahabat Tenggang. Setiap anak tentunya memiliki bakat yang berbeda-beda, kelas inspirasi hadir untuk menggali potensi yang dimiliki tiap anak agar bisa dapat berkembang dengan optimal. Kelas inspirasi merupakan kelas tambahan yang diberikan selain bimbingan belajar rutin. Kelas inspirasi ini dibedakan menjadi 5, yaitu kelas tari, kelas seni, kelas fotografi dan sinematografi, serta kelas vokal,” imbuh cowok kelahiran 15 Januari 1993.

Program lainnya adalah Parenting Education, kegiatan ini bertujuan memberi pengetahuan serta ketrampilan mendidik anak secara “benar” bagi para orangtua, khususnya ibu “mothering”. Karena kebanyakan masyarakat tradisional menitikberatkan pendidikan anak-anak pada lembaga sekolahan saja. Padahal pembentuk karakter anak justru berasal dari proses dan pola hubungan antara orangtua dan anak dalam suatu keluarga. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan warga, seperti Arisan, PKK, Pengajian, Posyandu, Panyuluhan, dan lainnya.

Jika tertarik untuk bergabung dengan mahasiswa, warga, dan siswa-siswi yang telah aktif di Sahabat Tenggang, kita bisa menjadi volunteer dengan menghubungi akun media sosial Sahabat Tenggang, seperti FB: Sahabat Tenggang atau Twitter: @sahabattenggang. Komunitas ini juga membuka donasi buku bacaan, peralatan belajar mengajar, bisa langsung datang di Sekertariat Sahabat Tenggang atau di Rekening BNI 0301437347 a/n Suwandi Bin Duladi.

“Manfaat yang bisa diambil dengan bergabung Sahabat Tenggang salah satunya adalah dapat ‘berbagi’ dengan sesama, karena dapat berbagi merupakan sebuah nikmat yang diberikan Tuhan kepada makhluk sosial. Selain itu dengan bergabung komunitas-komunitas pendidikan maupun sosial yang non-profit juga dapat melatih kepekaan kita terhadap sosial. Kepekaan ini yang melatarbelakangi semangat kita untuk merubah kehidupan, menuju kehidupan bangsa yang lebih baik lagi,” urainya.

Sedangkaan manfaat bagi lingkungan, menurut mahasiswa yang hobi touring ini, yaitu terciptanya iklim yang harmonis di lingkungan warga dan budaya gotong-royong yang kuat pada warga sekitar. Karena ketika semua stackholder dapat bersinegris akan berdampak positif yang besar terhadap lingkungan dan bangsa.

“Harapannya, kami salah satu komunitas kecil yang berawal dari Kampung Tenggang dapat mengispirasi masyarakat Indonesia untuk peduli dengan generasi-generasi penerus bangsa. Jagalah mereka, selamatkanlah mereka dari krisis karakter dan krisis mental, karena cerminan bangsa di masa yang akan datang dapat kita lihat dari generasi anak-anak Indonesia pada saat ini. Khususnya untuk Kota Semarang, harapannya berawal dari sini mari kita wujudkan Kota Semarang sebagai kota layak anak,” tegasnya.


Info dan Cara Daftar Program Bangkit Google 2022

0 - Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi berkolaborasi dengan Google berkomitmen menghadirkan kembali Program Bangkit pada tahun 2022 mendatang. Hal ini disampaikan oleh plt. Dirjen Diktiristek Nizam dan Head of Brand Marketing Google Muriel Makarim pada konferensi pers Peluncuran Bangkit 2022 pada Senin (6/12).

Melalui Bangkit 2022 mahasiswa akan diajak untuk mendalami Machine Learning, Mobile Development, dan Cloud Computing. Kemampuan berbasis teknologi ini sangat diperlukan di masa depan. Ini selaras dengan program pemerintah mewujudkan 15 juta talenta digital pada 2035.

Ada sekitar 500 project yang dihasilkan oleh mahasiswa, kemudian dari 500 aplikasi tersebut diseleksi 15 terbaik dan 15 terbaik tersebut kemudian mendapatkan pendanaan kolaborasi antara Google dengan Kedaireka.

Head of Brand Marketing Google Muriel Makarim menguraikan bahwa Bangkit merupakan program kesiapan karier yang didesain sejak 2019 oleh Google dan didukung sepenuhnya oleh GoTo dan Traveloka sebagai founding partner. 

Program ini menjawab kesenjangan talenta di perusahaan teknologi di Indonesia. Bangkit didesain untuk membekali mahasiswa dengan keterampilan yang relevan, baik dari aspek teknologi maupun soft skills, guna menunjang karier dan menciptakan inovasi di perusahaan teknologi kelas dunia dan perusahaan rintisan Indonesia.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, Bangkit memiliki tiga (3) prinsip utama. Pertama, Industry-led yang berarti inisiatif pelaksanaannya dipimpin oleh industri. 

Kedua, interdisipliner yang menegaskan bahwa bidang ilmu yang dipelajari bersifat lintas disiplin, yaitu teknologi, keterampilan non teknis, dan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris. 

Ketiga, immersive, yakni kombinasi dari berbagai macam metode pembelajaran daring.

Mengulang kesuksesan tahun 2021, Google berkolaborasi dengan Kemendikbudristek berkomitmen menghadirkan Bangkit 2022. 

Program yang kembali terafiliasi dengan Kampus Merdeka – MSIB ini akan diselenggarakan pada semester genap 2022. 

Bangkit akan mengajak mahasiswa Indonesia mengembangkan kemampuan dan keterampilan dengan kurikulum dan bimbingan langsung dari praktisi dunia IT, yakni dari GoTo, Traveloka, dan komponen industri lainnya.

Bangkit 2022 akan berlangsung sedikitnya selama 900 jam pelajaran dalam waktu 18 minggu. Peserta Bangkit 2022 juga akan berkesempatan untuk mengaplikasikan ilmunya lewat proyek akhir yang mana 15 proyek menjanjikan di antaranya akan mendapat dukungan dana lebih lanjut dari oleh Google dan Kemdikbudristek via Kedaireka. 

Selain itu, peserta aktif juga akan mendapatkan transkrip nilai untuk konversi 20 SKS. Peserta yang berhasil memenuhi kriteria kelulusan bisa meraih tawaran kerja via Bangkit Career Fair dan juga peluang mengambil ujian sertifikasi dari Google seperti Associate Android Developer, Associate Cloud Engineer dan TensorFlow Developer.

Bangkit 2022 akan menghadirkan kurikulum teknologi di 3 alur belajar pilihan. Tak hanya itu, para peserta akan dibekali keterampilan-keterampilan non teknis mencakup manajemen waktu, berpikir kritis, kemampuan komunikasi profesional, dan banyak materi lainnya yang relevan dengan tantangan di masa datang.

Semua program Bangkit adalah gratis (tanpa dipungut biaya).

Untuk mahasiswa Indonesia, mari bangun kesiapan karirmu di sini. Ikuti Bangkit 2022. Kuota yang tersedia adalah 3.000 peserta. Terbuka bagi seluruh mahasiswa S1/D4 yang benar-benar termotivasi dan siap untuk menempa diri dengan sungguh-sungguh.

Cek detail dan daftar melalui link ini klik di sini.

Batas daftar: Jumat, 31 Desember 2021

Indikator Utama Kesuksesan Bangkit 2021:
- 454 volunteer dari 124 institusi, mayoritas adalah industri (74%), berpartisipasi sebagai volunteer pengajar dan mentor peserta Bangkit

- Dari 3.000 peserta, sebanyak 2.250 siswa telah lulus dari program ini

- 15 tim terbaik telah mendapatkan dana inkubasi dan mentor industri dari Google dan Kemendikbudristek, agar mereka tumbuh menjadi startup

- 44% alumni telah mendapat pekerjaan setelah mengikuti Bangkit

- 421 telah mendapatkan sertifikasi global dari Google

- Dalam aspek sertifikasi global ini, Indonesia naik menjadi salah satu negara dengan tingkat pertumbuhan peraih sertifikasi Google Associate Android Developer dan Tensorflow tertinggi di dunia

Open Volunteer Forum Indonesia Muda Semarang 2021




Hai, sobat Oye!
Ada kabar gembira buat sobat Oye nihhh!

Mau jadi bagian dari Oye? Pas banget nih FIM Semarang sedang membuka kesempatan bagi teman - teman untuk bergabung menjadi bagian dari FIM Oye, lhoo. Bagi kamu yang ingin berkontribusi untuk Semarang, buruan yuk gabung.

Mau nunggu apa lagi? Ayo daftarkan dirimu dengan mengakses link  berikut :

Jika ada pertanyaan seputar pendaftaran, kamu bisa menghubungi narahubung:
📲 : 089514470981 (Nisa)

Upload juga twibbonmu yukk! Twibbon bisa diunduh di

Jangan lupa ajak temenmu untuk daftar ya, semangatt!!

Pemuda Indonesia,
Aku Untuk Bangsaku

#ForumIndonesiaMuda #FIMSemarang #FIMOye #Oyestungkara #AkuUntukBangsaku #PemudaIndonesia

20+ Recommendation Free Online CV Maker Sites to Create Creative, Cool and ATS Friendly CV

0 -- For students, CV is a familiar thing and is often needed for various purposes, such as organizing, applying for scholarships, applying for jobs, etc.

In addition to containing basic personal information, a CV is also useful for describing a person's abilities because it can be filled with educational history, organizational experience and abilities.

As time goes by, a written CV can be less attractive on a piece of paper, especially if you are following a selection, a CV that is different and stands out from other CVs has a greater potential to get a good first impression by the selectors.

Unfortunately, to get an attractive and eye-catching CV design is not an easy thing if you don't have basic graphic design.

But don't worry, now there are various online CV creation services that can be accessed for free.

Through this article about CV Maker, Campusnesia will share free CV Maker references in the form of a website.

Online CV maker as the name suggests can be used online or online so there is no need to download the application or software on a cellphone, laptop or computer.

The list below contains a free cv maker, meaning it's free, including websites that provide access to cv maker services that will help accelerate the careers of all of you.

There is also a free online cv maker, there is also a friendly ats cv maker service which is often used to apply for jobs, because not all companies and organizations like colorful creative cvs.

For friends who are looking for cv maker apk both from abroad and cv maker Indonesia for free, there is also a free cv maker, so please choose cv maker mod apk or cv maker ats friendy free.

Anything? Here, we present 23 service provider sites for making cv or curriculum vitae that can be accessed for free.

1. Canva (

In addition to providing applications, Canva can also be accessed online and free.

Steps to create an online CV with Canva
- Choose from Canva's library or through the CV templates provided inside
- Canva or design from scratch with a blank A4 template.
- Click the text box to easily add the professional experience you've ever had on the available templates.
- Customize colors, fonts and layout as per your requirement.
- When finished, you only need to download a CV in any format you need, embed it online or print it.

2. CV Maker (

The steps:
- Login to the site or you can login with a facebook account.
- Then select create CV.
- Create a CV according to your creativity.
- When finished, my friend can download it.

3. Cool Free CV (


4. Visual CV (


5. CV Template (

6. CV Maker (


7. CV Online (

8. (

Steps to create a CV with
- You can go to the page
-You must login first, if you don't have an account, you must register first. Buddy can connect to a google account, facebook, or twitter.
- Then you can start making a CV according to what you want according to creativity.
- If you are just starting to make a CV, Zety will give you various tips, at the top of the template there is a tips column that you can read.
- After you create a CV from the available templates, you can download it.

11. (

12. Apk Resume Bulilder CV Maker (

13. (

14. (

15. (

16. (
Steps to make a CV with BikinCV
- Login to the BikinCV dashboard on the page
- Fill in the data, the user will be asked to fill in the form of personal data, recent photos, education history, hobbies, work history, abilities and some other data to complete the CV.
- Choose a design, in this section you can choose a design according to your taste. Various attractive CV designs that you can choose with various colors.
- After all the stages are complete, you can download your CV via the dashboard.

17. cv maker ats friendly (

18. (

19. cv maker ats friendly  (

20. ats friendly (

21. (
The steps:
- Login to the site
- Create an account so you can login
- After the account is created, my friend can start making a CV with a variety of templates that are available, just write the content.
- In the optimizer feature, you can see whether or not there are errors in the CV that you made. If there are errors, the site will search automatically and provide recommendations that can change your CV.
- After the CV that my friend made is complete, you can choose to download it.

22. (
Steps to create a resume in kickresum:
- Click on the page
- Fill in your complete personal data
- If the data has been filled in completely, you can download it as a PDF.
-In the Kickresume application, there is a grammar checker feature which can make it easier for users who will make a CV in English.
- You can customize your CV with the background and job you are applying for.
- If you want it easier, Kickresume can also create a CV through your LinkedIn data.

23. (
The steps:
- First create an account on the site If you already have an account, then just log in.
- After successfully logging in, various templates are available, my friend, choose according to taste and make it as creative as possible.
- When finished, you can download it and it is ready to be used to apply for jobs in the creative industry.

That was my friend, Campusnesia 20+ service provider sites make a CV or curriculum vitae that you can access online for free. Hope it is useful.

Understanding CV or Curriculum Vitae
When you are going to apply for a job, one of the most important things to prepare is a CV or curriculum vitae which in Indonesian is called a curriculum vitae.

CVs are made with the aim of providing information about job seekers to companies or institutions that will accept them. There are certain things that must be included in a CV.

Making a CV has evolved with the times from before in physical form in the form of paper, now you can make it online. As with a conventional CV, in making an online CV, several things still need to be considered to make it stand out more.

10 Steps you have to do when making a CV

1. Make a personal statement
Make a personal statement at the top of your CV and describe yourself briefly about what your biggest interests and abilities are in the field and industry you want to apply for.

2. Include supporting information
Pay attention to the position and job you want to apply for, choose the abilities and achievements that are needed for the position and job. For example, if you want to register for a journalist position, you can include your experience as a publication and documentation staff at campus activities.

3. Measure your abilities and achievements
You need to concretely measure the achievements and abilities in each of the experiences you list.

4. Avoid a CV that is too long
Maximum 2 pages. This will really help the recruitment team or HRD in reading and checking important points that are considered by your CV. The recruitment team has limited time to read CVs, cover letters that come into the company.

5. Honest
The experience that my friend listed must be filled honestly based on the experience that my friend has lived through. What is important is how you can present during the interview session and apply your knowledge in the world of work.

6. Clean and Professional Design
A spacious and clean design makes your CV design look more attractive. Choose a simple but elegant design, don't get too many colors and images.

7. Adjust your CV to the type of industry and company you want to target
There are those who say that the CV should be made as creative as possible and there are also those who say that it is quite simple. There are no definite rules, the important thing is that you have to make adjustments to the content and design of your CV with the character of the company in question. Therefore, my friend needs to research first.

8. Use easy-to-understand language
Use language and terms that are easy to understand. To describe something, it is recommended to use professional words but written in simple sentences.

9. Use Professional Photos
Although displaying photos in a CV is not an obligation, but it's fine if you include it. If you don't want to include an official photo with a red or blue background. you can use casual photos with faces that are still clearly visible and don't use unnecessary filters.

10. Double Check When Creating an Online CV
According to a 2016 survey in America, nearly 60% of job applications that recruiters read contain typos. In addition to reducing professionalism, typos can also cause other fatal errors such as incorrect info, or even your application is not sent to the intended recipient.

Mistakes That Should Not Be Made When Creating An Online CV

1. Don't write down unnecessary personal information
Write down your full name, phone number, domicile, email, or social media accounts where you can be contacted. This will make it easier for the recruitment team to contact you for an interview call until you are accepted for a job.

2.Don't write irrelevant information
Even though you are active in various organizations or volunteer in various activities, don't let your friends include experiences that are not relevant to the position you are applying for.

3. Not detailed
Avoid ambiguous sentences such as having good communication skills or being able to speak English. It's better to give concrete examples of what abilities you have and how you practice them.

4. Too long
If your CV is too long and contains a lot of irrelevant information, the recruitment team will run out of time to read your CV.

5. Loading hoax information
If you include fake abilities and achievements, it doesn't mean HRD or the recruitment team will immediately accept them, it will boomerang for you and when you can't apply this knowledge in the world of work, you can be blacklisted for being caught lying.

6. Do not use a design that is too crowded and flashy
Designs that are too crowded and flashy colors make your CV look claustrophobic. Avoid using too many types of fonts, colors and graphics.

7. Don't copy-paste
Do not use the same CV to apply to several other companies with different industries. You need to adapt the content and design of your CV to your respective company or industry.

8. Don't use inconsistent language
For example, if the recruitment team asks for an English-language CV, just send an English-language CV. Do not mix Indonesian and English in one CV. Twenty one is enough.

9. Don't use selfies.
Use a photo on your CV with a professional photo and not a variety of styles.
Do not immediately send CV without rechecking.

You need to make sure that the CV that you will send has no typos in any aspect to avoid misunderstandings with HRD or the recruitment team.

Karena, membuat CV online juga wajib memperhatikan tatanan atau layout-nya, tidak hanya informasi data diri saja, ini dia tipsnya:

1. Make Your Personal Data Sequentially
The first step when you want to create an online CV is to pay attention to the information that will be included.

Information about self-identity is very important as a starting point when introducing yourself to other people or to the company's HRD.

In compiling this personal data information, care must be taken so as not to confuse the HRD too much. Make the information sequential and easy to read in the following order:

Personal data or identity may contain full name, address, telephone number and other personal data.
Next is to enter the educational background and majors to the GPA.

Regarding personality, can you briefly describe yourself. Don't forget to include past work experience.

Because this will add more value when applying for jobs and including them in an online CV.

2. Show Your Ability
It is not enough just to fill in information and personal data sequentially, it is also mandatory to include what abilities you already have.

In an era like now, work is not only seen from the value of education alone. More than that, the company's HRD will consider the abilities of the applicant candidate.

For example, if you want to become a graphic designer in a company or start-up. It would be better if the applicant listed his achievements and abilities. For example, have made designs for certain companies or agencies.

Likewise, if you have attended training related to the job to be applied for.

The ability of the applicant has an important role when going to work later and this will affect the results.

Thus, if during the training or trial period the company is satisfied with the applicant's abilities, it will definitely be retained to become a permanent employee.

3. Introduce yourself briefly, concisely and clearly
The third step in making an online CV is to make it short and concise. Most companies, especially the HRD division, will like a candidate who describes himself in a concise and concise manner.

Things that are too long-winded will make HRD feel reluctant to read online CVs.

Especially if the language used is informal or too boring. This is where a skill is needed.

If you want to describe yourself, try to use language that is easy to understand. If using a language style that is easy to understand, HRD will read the entire contents of the online CV and consider the applicant as the best applicant candidate.

A short and concise online CV also reflects a person's performance. That is, applicants will be considered by HRD as candidates who do not like to linger or delay in completing work properly.

Author: Ika Shintya
processed from various sources


Daftar Info Lomba Gratis Menulis Esay, Poster, Vlog, Video KTI Deadline Bulan Juni Tahun 2022

0 - Untuk sobat Campusnesia yang mempunya jiwa-jiwa kompetitif berikut kami hadirkan Daftar Info Lomba Menulis Esay, Poster, Vlog, Video KTI Deadline Bulan Juni Tahun 2022.

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Demikian tadi sobat Campusnesia, Daftar Info Lomba Menulis Esay, Poster, Vlog, Video KTI Deadline Bulan Juni Tahun 2022. 
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Everything You Need to Know About Student College Scholarship, Website Information About Scholarshsips and How To Get That

0 - Indonesia 18/09/2023. To all our reader, today lets talk about student scholarship, how to get that and where to find informations about international scholarship.

A scholarship for college students is a financial award provided to students to help cover the cost of their education. Scholarships are typically awarded based on various criteria, including academic achievement, financial need, extracurricular involvement, community service, or specific talents or interests. Here are some key points to understand about scholarships for college students:

1. Types of Scholarships
Scholarships come in various forms, including:

a. Merit-Based Scholarships
These are awarded to students with exceptional academic achievements, such as high GPAs or standardized test scores.

b. Need-Based Scholarships 
These are granted to students who demonstrate financial need, often based on their family's income and expenses.

c. Athletic Scholarships
Given to talented athletes who excel in specific sports.

d. Subject-Specific Scholarships
Awarded to students pursuing a particular field of study or major.

e. Minority Scholarships
Designed to support underrepresented minority groups.

f. Community Service Scholarships
Given to students with a strong history of volunteer work and community involvement.

g. Creative or Artistic Scholarships
For students with exceptional talents in areas like music, art, or writing.

h. International Scholarships
Offered to students from other countries who want to study in a specific country.

2. Application Process
To apply for scholarships, students usually need to submit an application that includes information about their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, essays, and sometimes letters of recommendation. Some scholarships may require additional materials, such as portfolios or audition tapes for artistic scholarships.

3. Eligibility Criteria
Each scholarship has specific eligibility criteria, and students must meet those requirements to be considered. These criteria can include GPA thresholds, income limits, or residency requirements.

4. Scholarship Amounts
Scholarships can vary widely in terms of the amount awarded. Some cover full tuition, while others provide a smaller amount to help with textbooks, fees, or living expenses.

5. Renewability
Some scholarships are one-time awards, while others are renewable for multiple years if students maintain certain academic standards or meet specific criteria.

6. Sources of Scholarships 
Scholarships can be offered by colleges and universities, private organizations, foundations, corporations, or government agencies. It's essential to research and identify scholarships that align with your qualifications and interests.

7. Deadlines
Scholarships have application deadlines, and missing these deadlines can result in disqualification. Be sure to keep track of application deadlines and submit all required materials on time.

8. Competition
Scholarships are often competitive, as many students apply for limited funds. It's crucial to prepare a strong application that highlights your achievements and sets you apart from other applicants.

9. Impact on Financial Aid
Receiving a scholarship can affect your eligibility for other forms of financial aid, such as grants or loans. It's important to inform your college's financial aid office about any scholarships you receive.

10. Scholarship Search
There are online scholarship search engines and databases that can help you find scholarships that match your qualifications and interests. These tools can simplify the process of identifying opportunities.

Scholarships for college students are valuable financial resources that can help reduce the cost of higher education. They come in various forms and are awarded based on different criteria. Students should research and apply for scholarships that align with their qualifications and educational goals to make college more affordable.

Here is a list of reputable websites where you can find scholarship information:

1. Fastweb

Fastweb is one of the largest and most popular scholarship search engines. It offers a vast database of scholarships, financial aid advice, and tools to help students find opportunities that match their profiles.

2. provides a comprehensive scholarship search, college search, and financial aid information. It also offers resources and advice for students pursuing scholarships.

3. Cappex

Cappex not only offers scholarship search capabilities but also provides college search and reviews to help students make informed decisions about their education.

4. Chegg Scholarships

Chegg Scholarships offers a searchable database of scholarships along with articles and advice on various aspects of college and financial aid.

5. Niche

Niche provides a scholarship search tool and college reviews. They also offer their own scholarship contests.

6. Peterson's Scholarship Search

Peterson's offers a scholarship search engine along with valuable resources for college planning.

7. College Board Scholarship Search

The College Board's scholarship search tool helps students find scholarships, internships, and other financial aid opportunities.

8. Sallie Mae Scholarship Search

Sallie Mae's scholarship search tool allows students to explore various scholarship options.

9. Scholly

Scholly is a paid app and website that matches students with scholarship opportunities based on their unique profiles.

10. Unig

Unigo offers a scholarship directory and resources for college planning and student reviews.

11. Discover® Student Loans Scholarship Search

Discover provides a scholarship search tool to help students find relevant opportunities.

12. Careeronestop Scholarship Search

Careeronestop, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, offers a scholarship search tool and other career resources.

Remember to create a profile on these websites, provide accurate information, and regularly check for new scholarship opportunities. Additionally, be cautious of scholarship scams and never pay to apply for scholarships; legitimate scholarships should not require payment.

And now lets talk abouts some tips to help you succeed in selecting and obtaining scholarships for college here we go:

1. Start Early
Begin your scholarship search well in advance. Some scholarship deadlines are as early as a year before you plan to start college, so give yourself plenty of time to research and apply.

2. Organize Your Search
Create a spreadsheet or document to track scholarship opportunities. Include details like the name of the scholarship, application deadline, eligibility criteria, and any required materials.

3. Match Your Qualifications
Focus on scholarships that align with your strengths, whether it's academic achievement, community service, athletic talents, or specific interests. Applying for scholarships that match your qualifications increases your chances of success.

4. Read Eligibility Criteria Carefully 
Ensure you meet all the eligibility requirements before applying. Scholarships often have specific criteria related to GPA, major, extracurricular activities, and more.

5. Apply Widely
Don't limit yourself to just a few scholarships. Apply for as many as you qualify for to increase your chances of receiving financial aid.

6. Write Outstanding Essays
Many scholarship applications require essays. Take the time to craft well-written, thoughtful responses that showcase your personality, experiences, and goals. Tailor your essays to each scholarship's specific prompt.

7. Secure Strong Letters of Recommendation
If needed, request letters of recommendation from teachers, mentors, or supervisors who know you well and can speak to your abilities and character.

8. Meet Deadlines
Pay close attention to application deadlines. Submit your applications well before the due dates to avoid any last-minute issues.

9. Proofread and Edit
Review your scholarship application materials for spelling and grammar errors. Mistakes can detract from the professionalism of your application.

10. Follow Instructions
Ensure that you provide all required documents and information exactly as requested. Failure to follow instructions could result in disqualification.

11. Stay Organized
Keep track of submitted applications and any follow-up requirements. Maintain a calendar with deadlines and important dates.

12. Apply for Local Scholarships
Check with local organizations, businesses, and community foundations for scholarships. These scholarships may have fewer applicants, increasing your chances of success.

13. Prepare for Interviews
Some scholarships may require interviews. Practice your interview skills and be ready to discuss your achievements and goals confidently.

14. Complete the FAFSA
Even if you're pursuing scholarships, fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It can help you access other forms of financial aid like grants and federal student loans.

15. Stay Persistent
Scholarship hunting can be competitive, and rejections are common. Don't get discouraged. Keep applying and refining your applications.

16. Thank Your Donors
If you receive a scholarship, express your gratitude by writing a thank-you note or letter to the scholarship provider. It's a courteous gesture that may open the door to future opportunities.

Remember that persistence and diligence are key when searching for and applying for scholarships. Each application represents a potential opportunity to lessen the financial burden of college, so approach the process with determination and a positive attitude.