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Url Link Pendaftaran, Jadwal Syarat dan Tata Cara Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2022


Campusnesia.co.id - Kabar gembira untuk sobat yang sedang cari kerja dan ingin masuk di BUMNN. Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) bersama Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI) secara resmi telah menggelar program Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2022.

Melalui program Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2022 ini, terdapat setidaknya 2.700 lowongan kerja yang ditawarkan lebih dari 40 perusahaan BUMN, termasuk Pertamina, Telkom Indonesia, Garuda Indonesia, Perkebunan Nusantara, dan sebagainya.

Rekrutmen BUMN ini bisa diikuti oleh lulusan Diploma, S1, dan S2 dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia. 

Jadwal pendaftaran Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2022 dibuka mulai Kamis Tanggal 14 April 2022. Untuk sobat Campusnesia yang mau melamar kerja, pendaftaran berlangsung secara online dan bebas biaya di website rekrutmenbersama.fhcibumn.id 

Lewat postingan kali ini kami akan berbagi rangkuman syarat dan ketentuan yang dibutuhkan Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2022.

Syarat pendaftaran Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2022
1.Setiap pelamar hanya diperbolehkan mendaftar maksimal 3 posisi di BUMN berbeda

2. Seluruh tahapan rekrutmen tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Apabila ada pihak yang meminta biaya/ menjanjikan sesuatu/ menawarkan bantuan atas proses rekrutmen dapat melapor ke Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI) 

3. Link pendaftaran Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2022 hanya diselenggarakan melalui alamat website https://rekrutmenbersama.fhcibumn.id. FHCI tidak menerima lamaran melalui media pengiriman lainnya 

4. Seluruh kegiatan seleksi online dan pengumuman tiap tahapan seleksi diumumkan melalui https://rekrutmenbersama.fhcibumn.id 

5. Seluruh biaya akomodasi serta transportasi selama proses rekrutmen dan seleksi menjadi tanggungan pelamar

6. Seluruh Pelamar diwajibkan mengajukan lamaran dengan melakukan registrasi online melalui https://rekrutmenbersama.fhcibumn.id

7. FHCI berhak sepenuhnya menetapkan daftar kandidat yang dinilai memenuhi kualifikasi pada setiap tahapan seleksi. Hasil keputusan FHCI bersifat final, mengikat, dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat. 

8. Masa waktu registrasi online adalah 14-25 April 2022.

Syarat pendaftaran BUMN 2022
1. Warga Negara Indonesia dengan usia maksimal per 25 April 2022 mengikuti jenjang pendidikan sebagai berikut: 

- Diploma I/II/III : 27 tahun; 

- S1/Diploma IV : 30 tahun; 

- S2: 35 tahun; 

2. IPK minimal 2,75 untuk lulusan perguruan tinggi 

3. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia Sehat jasmani, rohani dan bebas narkoba 

4. Dokumen SKCK dari Kepolisian

5. Sertifikasi pelatihan yang sesuai dengan kompetensi dan rekomendasi pengalaman kerja, apabila ada

6. Rekomendasi Komunitas (berprestasi di Bidang Olahraga/Seni/Digital Creator/Start Up), apabila ada

Tata cara pendaftaran Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2022
1. Pelamar hanya dapat melakukan pendaftaran melalui melalui situs web https://rekrutmenbersama.fhcibumn.id

2. Pelamar wajib memiliki alamat e-mail pribadi dan nomor telepon seluler yang masih aktif untuk dapat mengikuti proses seleksi. Pelamar dilarang menggunakan alamat e-mail milik orang lain/kantor dalam proses pendaftaran.

3. Tidak ada layanan untuk perubahan/koreksi seluruh data-data serta dokumen yang telah dikirim oleh pelamar.

4. Untuk memudahkan registrasi online, persiapkan terlebih dahulu beberapa dokumen berikut.
- Foto Profil (Wajib) KTP (Wajib) 
- Ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus (Wajib) 
- Transkrip Nilai (Wajib) 
- SKCK (Wajib) 

5. Dokumen lainnya (Sertifikat Pelatihan, Bahasa Inggris, dll) (Bila ada) 

6. Surat Rekomendasi (surat rekomendasi pernah bekerja hanya sebagai referensi), templatnya bisa diunduh lewat tautan ini 

7. Setiap dokumen yang terdiri lebih dari satu (seperti ijazah untuk dua pendidikan), wajib untuk disatukan dalam satu file dokumen.

8. Membaca seluruh informasi ketentuan dan persyaratan yang berada di situs web https://rekrutbersama.fhcibumn.id

9. Menekan tombol register yang ada pada pojok kanan atas di halaman depan website. Kemudian, pelamar melakukan aktivasi akun lewat tautan yang dikirimkan FHCI ke alamat e-mail terdaftar

10. Lalu, pelamar wajib melengkapi CV (Curriculum Vitae) dan dokumen persyaratan pada menu "Daftar Riwayat Hidup" 

11. Pelamar dapat melihat lowongan yang tersedia pada menu "Lowongan". Peserta hanya dapat melamar maksimal 3 posisi di BUMN yang berbeda 

12. Terakhir, pelamar dapat memantau proses lamaran, detail jadwal, dan pengumuman pada halaman “Lamaran Saya” atau e-mail resmi yang FHCI kirimkan.

Alur Pendaftaran Rekrutmen
Jadwal dapat berubah berdasarkan keputusan Panitia Rekrutmen dan Seleksi, dalam hal ini Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI).

Tahap 1: Registrasi Online dan Seleksi Administrasi
14 April - 25 April 2022

Pengumuman Tahap 1: Registrasi Online dan Seleksi Administrasi
9 Mei - 11 Mei 2022

Tahap 2: TKD dan Core Values BUMN
Pelaksanaan Tes Kemampuan Dasar (TKD) dan Core Values BUMN
17 Mei - 27 Mei 2022

Pengumuman Tahap 2: TKD dan Core Values BUMN
8 Juni - 10 Juni 2022

Tahap 3: TKB, Wawancara dan MCU
Pelaksanaan Tes Kemampuan Bidang (TKB), Wawancara dan MCU yang dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan masing-masing BUMN
12 Juni - 25 Juni 2022 *

Pengumuman Final Calon Pegawai BUMN
4 Juli 2022

Bela Negara
11 Juli 2022 *

18 Juli 2022 *

Demikian tadi sobat Campusnesia, postingan kita kali ini tentang Url Link Pendaftaran, Jadwal Syarat dan Tata Cara Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2022. Semoga bermanfaat selamat mencoba semoga diberikan hasil yang terbaik.

Untuk informasi seputar lowongan kerja bulan April 2022 bisa baca di sini.

Contoh Format Template Surat Resign untuk Sobat yang Ingin Udahan Aja Kerjanya


Campusnesia.co.id - Ramai perbincangan di twitter tentang ide Resign dari tempat kerja setelah libur lebaran. Alasannya tentu saja menunggu THR turun yang biasanya dikeluarkan menjelang hari raya Idul Fitri, dimana tahun 2022 atau 1443 H ini pemerintah sudah mengeluarkan pengumuman perusahaan wajib mengeluarkan THR 100 persen, setelah selama dua tahun terakhir ada keringanan dalam kewajiban THR karena pandemi.

Lewat postingan kali ini, kami ingi berbagi Contoh Format Template Surat Resign untuk Sobat yang Ingin Udahan Aja Kerjanya, kami dapat dari twit akun hrdtobat @hrdbacot.

Jakarta, 30 Agustus 2021

Yth. Ibu/Bapak nama atasan kamu

Mohon terima surat ini sebagai pemberitahuan bahwa saya akan mengundurkan diri dari pekerjaan saya di PT nama perusahaan kamu efektif pada tanggal 30 November 2021.

Terima kasih atas dukungan dan kesempatan yang telah Ibu/Bapak dan Perusahaan berikan kepada saya selama lebih dari dua (ganti pake berapa lama kamu kerja) tahun terakhir.

Selama masa pemberitahuan ini, saya akan tetap menjalankan tugas dan kewajiban saya. Saya juga akan membantu proses transisi dan melakukan proses transfer pengetahuan kepada pengganti saya (kalau ada). Semua proses serah terima/ hand over akan saya dokumentasikan agar memudahkan proses transisi. 

Saya berharap PT nama perusahaan kamu semakin sukses kedepannya.

Hormat saya,

Nama lengkap kamu

Bagi sobat yang mau download Template Surat Resign bisa klik di sini.

Demikian tadi sobat Campusnesia postingan kita kali ini tentang Contoh Format Surat Resign untuk Sobat yang Ingin Udahan Aja Kerjanya. Semoga bermanfaat sampai jumpa.

Baca Juga:

Daftar Info Lowongan Kerja bulan April Tahun 2022


Campusnesia.co.id - Untuk sobat campusnesia yang sedang mencari kerja jangan menyerah dan tetap semangat, berikut kami hadirkan Daftar Info Lowongan Kerja bulan April Tahun 2022. Selamat mencoba semoga berhasil.

1. Lowongan Kerja Graphic Designer

2. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Business Development sPrint

2. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Digital Marketing and Team Leader Social Media 

3. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Dosen Tidak tetap Mata Kuliah Entrepreneurship UNIBI

4. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Editorial Assistant Origin Hope

5. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
eFishery Mall Fish Product and Tech

6. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Center of Experience Manager Flip 

7. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Brand Marketing and Content Creator Fullatck Developer

8. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Fundraiser Officer Pita Kuning

9. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Tenaga Pendidikan Tetap UGM Tahun 2022

10. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Alfamart Talent Management, Assesor dan Recruitmet

11. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Carmudi Area Support

12. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Content Leader, Content Writer, Video Editor dan Graphic Designer Rekreasi

13. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Exabytes Event Lead

14. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Graphic Designer NBM

15. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Talent Acquisition Intern Kopi Kenangan

16. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
English Teacher

17. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Human Resources Staff So Good

18. Lowongan Kerja Bulan April tahun 2022
Finance dan Accounting Staff Togamas

Demikian tadi sobat Campusnesia, Daftar Info Lowongan Kerja bulan Arpil Tahun 2022, selamat mencoba semoga berhasil, akan kami update secara berkala.

Prospek Karir Masa Depan dan Job War


Campusnesia.co.id - Pekerjaan dan Industri tak bisa saling melepaskan diri. Bahkan budaya pendidikan saat ini sangat terpengaruh dengan revolusi industri beberapa dekade yang lalu. Sehingga tidak jarang pendidikan saat ini sangat terpaku dengan kompetensi yang disetting oleh industri saat itu.

Tapi dunia terus berubah, bahkan industri saat ini jauh berbeda dengan industri zaman itu. Revolusi Industri juga sudah usang dengan mulai dominannya dunia informasi. Sehingga sudah dipastikan perubahan itu juga diikuti perubahan dunia kerja dan pekerjaan itu sendiri. Standar kompetensi bergeser sedikit demi sedikit, bahkan jam kerja saat ini sudah tidak relevan pada beberapa pekerjaan.

Maka kesiapan menghadapi gelombang perubahan itu, tidak akan terelakkan. Pada masanya pekerjaan yang mungkin berjaya 10 tahun lalu akan tergantikan dengan pekerjaan lain di masa depan. 

Saat ini bukan saatnya melihat apa saja pekerjaan yang tersedia, tetapi melihat ke dalam diri apa saja yang menjadi kekuatan kita. Dan sekuat tenaga mengoptimalkan dengan Knowledge, Skill, dan Attitude yang tepat. Sehingga dengan kekuatan itu, kita bisa melihat peran apa yang tepat bisa kita isi dan berdaya dengan kekuatan itu.

Perdebatan tentang kerjaan paling prospek di masa depan selalu terjadi di meja makan. Meski tidak semua keluarga, paling tidak diskusi ini terjadi antara remaja dewasa yang sedang menentukan langkah awal dia mempersiapkan karier untuk kehidupannya pasca terlepas dari orang tua. Kuliah.

Saat ini langkah kuliah dipandang menjadi salah satu langkah yang paling krusial untuk menentukan masa depan. Ada yang menggunakan hukum yang penting kampusnya, karena jajaring alumninya kuat. Ada yang dengan anggapan lebih penting jurusannya karena pilihan jurusan menentukan prospek pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan. 

Tapi, pada akhirnya anggapan maupun hukum yang diyakini tersebut, akan kembali pada individu yang akan menjalaninya. Menjalani dunia perkuliahan dengan segala "bunga"nya. baik yang semerbak wangi, maupun yang menyekat hingga menusuk hati. Kekuatan dan usaha yang menentukan hasil akhirnya, karena tak ada jalan yang betul-betul mulus, semua memiliki rintangannya sendiri.

Bilapun sudah selesai dari dunia perkuliahan, hidup tak berhenti. Rintangan bukan menjadi sirna, malah lebih lebat bak belantara. Persaingan dunia kerja yang pedih harus dihadapi, entah dengan masa percobaan, magang, trainee, apapun namanya. 

Akankah kita bertahan? Akankah anak-anak kita cukup kuat? Apakah mereka mampu berjalan kedepan?

Ahmad Qi Sahlan

Penulis aktif sebagai Humanity Collaborator,  Idea Enthusiast , Youth Development Partner dan Agile Strength Coach. Untuk sobat Campusneisia yang butuh Sharing-sharing persiapan karier, bisa konsultasi lewat facebook di sini atau via di wa.me/6289502224404

Update Klasemen Sementara Motogp 2022 Terbaru


Campusnesia.co.id - Gelaran Motogp musim 2022 sudah digelar, pertarungan makin seru dan kompetitif dengan hadirnya Mooney VR48 Racing Team besutan Valentino Rossi. 

Sebagai warga Indonesia kita juga patut berbangga karena tes pramusim motogp tahun ini di gelar di sirkuit Mandalika serta balapan ke dua pada tanggal 20 Maret 2022 nanti akan di gelar di sirkuit yang punya nama resmi Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit.

Berikut update klasemen sementara Motogp musim 2022
Update tanggal 20 Maret 2022

Link Streaming Motogp 20212

Itu tadi sobat Campusnesia kabar terbaru tentang puncak klasemen moto gp, klasemen sementara motogp 2020, klasemen moto2 2022, jadwal klasemen motogp 2022klasemen motogp 2022, jadwal motogp 2022klasemen sementara motogp 2022, klasemen motogp 2022 terbaru.
Motogp adalah balap kendaraan roda paling bergengsi di dunia, maka wajar banyak pencarian di google dengan kata kunci seperti puncak klasemen moto gp, jadwal motogp, klasemen sementara motogp 2022, klasemen motogp 2022 hari ini, klasemen motogp 2022 hari ini, klasemen motogp 2022 terbaru hari ini, klasemen sementara motogp 2020, motogp klasemen 2022 karena ingin tahu pembalap favoritya ada diurutan berapa dalam papan klasemen.

20+ Recommendation Free Online CV Maker Sites to Create Creative, Cool and ATS Friendly CV


Campusnesia.co.id -- For students, CV is a familiar thing and is often needed for various purposes, such as organizing, applying for scholarships, applying for jobs, etc.

In addition to containing basic personal information, a CV is also useful for describing a person's abilities because it can be filled with educational history, organizational experience and abilities.

As time goes by, a written CV can be less attractive on a piece of paper, especially if you are following a selection, a CV that is different and stands out from other CVs has a greater potential to get a good first impression by the selectors.

Unfortunately, to get an attractive and eye-catching CV design is not an easy thing if you don't have basic graphic design.

But don't worry, now there are various online CV creation services that can be accessed for free.

Through this article about CV Maker, Campusnesia will share free CV Maker references in the form of a website.

Online CV maker as the name suggests can be used online or online so there is no need to download the application or software on a cellphone, laptop or computer.

The list below contains a free cv maker, meaning it's free, including websites that provide access to cv maker services that will help accelerate the careers of all of you.

There is also a free online cv maker, there is also a friendly ats cv maker service which is often used to apply for jobs, because not all companies and organizations like colorful creative cvs.

For friends who are looking for cv maker apk both from abroad and cv maker Indonesia for free, there is also a free cv maker, so please choose cv maker mod apk or cv maker ats friendy free.

Anything? Here, we present 23 service provider sites for making cv or curriculum vitae that can be accessed for free.

1. Canva (canva.com)

In addition to providing applications, Canva can also be accessed online and free.

Steps to create an online CV with Canva
- Choose from Canva's library or through the CV templates provided inside
- Canva or design from scratch with a blank A4 template.
- Click the text box to easily add the professional experience you've ever had on the available templates.
- Customize colors, fonts and layout as per your requirement.
- When finished, you only need to download a CV in any format you need, embed it online or print it.

2. CV Maker (cvmkr.com)

The steps:
- Login to the site https://cvmkr.com or you can login with a facebook account.
- Then select create CV.
- Create a CV according to your creativity.
- When finished, my friend can download it.

3. Cool Free CV (coolfreecv.com)


4. Visual CV (visualcv.com)


5. CV Template (cv-template.com)

6. CV Maker (cvmaker.com)


7. CV Online (cvonline.me)

8. cvmaker.co.id (https://www.cvmaker.co.id/)

Steps to create a CV with Zety.com
- You can go to the ww.zety.com page
-You must login first, if you don't have an account, you must register first. Buddy can connect to a google account, facebook, or twitter.
- Then you can start making a CV according to what you want according to creativity.
- If you are just starting to make a CV, Zety will give you various tips, at the top of the template there is a tips column that you can read.
- After you create a CV from the available templates, you can download it.

11. Resume.io (https://resume.io/)

12. Apk Resume Bulilder CV Maker (play.google.com)

13. gethired.id (https://gethired.id/cv-online)

14. Cakeresume.com (cakeresume.com)

15. buatcvonline.com (https://buatcvonline.com/)

16. bikincv.com (https://www.bikincv.com/)
Steps to make a CV with BikinCV
- Login to the BikinCV dashboard on the www.bikincv.com page
- Fill in the data, the user will be asked to fill in the form of personal data, recent photos, education history, hobbies, work history, abilities and some other data to complete the CV.
- Choose a design, in this section you can choose a design according to your taste. Various attractive CV designs that you can choose with various colors.
- After all the stages are complete, you can download your CV via the dashboard.

17. wozber.com cv maker ats friendly (www.wozber.com)

18. Rezi.ai (https://www.rezi.ai/)

19. hloom.com cv maker ats friendly  (www.hloom.com)

20. cvtemplatemaster.com ats friendly (https://www.cvtemplatemaster.com/tag/ats-cv/)

21. novoresume.com (https://novoresume.com/)
The steps:
- Login to the site https://novoresume.com
- Create an account so you can login
- After the account is created, my friend can start making a CV with a variety of templates that are available, just write the content.
- In the optimizer feature, you can see whether or not there are errors in the CV that you made. If there are errors, the site will search automatically and provide recommendations that can change your CV.
- After the CV that my friend made is complete, you can choose to download it.

22. kickresume.com (https://www.kickresume.com)
Steps to create a resume in kickresum:
- Click on the https://www.kickresume.com page
- Fill in your complete personal data
- If the data has been filled in completely, you can download it as a PDF.
-In the Kickresume application, there is a grammar checker feature which can make it easier for users who will make a CV in English.
- You can customize your CV with the background and job you are applying for.
- If you want it easier, Kickresume can also create a CV through your LinkedIn data.

23. Easel.ly (Easel.ly)
The steps:
- First create an account on the site https://www.easel.ly. If you already have an account, then just log in.
- After successfully logging in, various templates are available, my friend, choose according to taste and make it as creative as possible.
- When finished, you can download it and it is ready to be used to apply for jobs in the creative industry.

That was my friend, Campusnesia 20+ service provider sites make a CV or curriculum vitae that you can access online for free. Hope it is useful.

Understanding CV or Curriculum Vitae
When you are going to apply for a job, one of the most important things to prepare is a CV or curriculum vitae which in Indonesian is called a curriculum vitae.

CVs are made with the aim of providing information about job seekers to companies or institutions that will accept them. There are certain things that must be included in a CV.

Making a CV has evolved with the times from before in physical form in the form of paper, now you can make it online. As with a conventional CV, in making an online CV, several things still need to be considered to make it stand out more.

10 Steps you have to do when making a CV

1. Make a personal statement
Make a personal statement at the top of your CV and describe yourself briefly about what your biggest interests and abilities are in the field and industry you want to apply for.

2. Include supporting information
Pay attention to the position and job you want to apply for, choose the abilities and achievements that are needed for the position and job. For example, if you want to register for a journalist position, you can include your experience as a publication and documentation staff at campus activities.

3. Measure your abilities and achievements
You need to concretely measure the achievements and abilities in each of the experiences you list.

4. Avoid a CV that is too long
Maximum 2 pages. This will really help the recruitment team or HRD in reading and checking important points that are considered by your CV. The recruitment team has limited time to read CVs, cover letters that come into the company.

5. Honest
The experience that my friend listed must be filled honestly based on the experience that my friend has lived through. What is important is how you can present during the interview session and apply your knowledge in the world of work.

6. Clean and Professional Design
A spacious and clean design makes your CV design look more attractive. Choose a simple but elegant design, don't get too many colors and images.

7. Adjust your CV to the type of industry and company you want to target
There are those who say that the CV should be made as creative as possible and there are also those who say that it is quite simple. There are no definite rules, the important thing is that you have to make adjustments to the content and design of your CV with the character of the company in question. Therefore, my friend needs to research first.

8. Use easy-to-understand language
Use language and terms that are easy to understand. To describe something, it is recommended to use professional words but written in simple sentences.

9. Use Professional Photos
Although displaying photos in a CV is not an obligation, but it's fine if you include it. If you don't want to include an official photo with a red or blue background. you can use casual photos with faces that are still clearly visible and don't use unnecessary filters.

10. Double Check When Creating an Online CV
According to a 2016 survey in America, nearly 60% of job applications that recruiters read contain typos. In addition to reducing professionalism, typos can also cause other fatal errors such as incorrect info, or even your application is not sent to the intended recipient.

Mistakes That Should Not Be Made When Creating An Online CV

1. Don't write down unnecessary personal information
Write down your full name, phone number, domicile, email, or social media accounts where you can be contacted. This will make it easier for the recruitment team to contact you for an interview call until you are accepted for a job.

2.Don't write irrelevant information
Even though you are active in various organizations or volunteer in various activities, don't let your friends include experiences that are not relevant to the position you are applying for.

3. Not detailed
Avoid ambiguous sentences such as having good communication skills or being able to speak English. It's better to give concrete examples of what abilities you have and how you practice them.

4. Too long
If your CV is too long and contains a lot of irrelevant information, the recruitment team will run out of time to read your CV.

5. Loading hoax information
If you include fake abilities and achievements, it doesn't mean HRD or the recruitment team will immediately accept them, it will boomerang for you and when you can't apply this knowledge in the world of work, you can be blacklisted for being caught lying.

6. Do not use a design that is too crowded and flashy
Designs that are too crowded and flashy colors make your CV look claustrophobic. Avoid using too many types of fonts, colors and graphics.

7. Don't copy-paste
Do not use the same CV to apply to several other companies with different industries. You need to adapt the content and design of your CV to your respective company or industry.

8. Don't use inconsistent language
For example, if the recruitment team asks for an English-language CV, just send an English-language CV. Do not mix Indonesian and English in one CV. Twenty one is enough.

9. Don't use selfies.
Use a photo on your CV with a professional photo and not a variety of styles.
Do not immediately send CV without rechecking.

You need to make sure that the CV that you will send has no typos in any aspect to avoid misunderstandings with HRD or the recruitment team.

Karena, membuat CV online juga wajib memperhatikan tatanan atau layout-nya, tidak hanya informasi data diri saja, ini dia tipsnya:

1. Make Your Personal Data Sequentially
The first step when you want to create an online CV is to pay attention to the information that will be included.

Information about self-identity is very important as a starting point when introducing yourself to other people or to the company's HRD.

In compiling this personal data information, care must be taken so as not to confuse the HRD too much. Make the information sequential and easy to read in the following order:

Personal data or identity may contain full name, address, telephone number and other personal data.
Next is to enter the educational background and majors to the GPA.

Regarding personality, can you briefly describe yourself. Don't forget to include past work experience.

Because this will add more value when applying for jobs and including them in an online CV.

2. Show Your Ability
It is not enough just to fill in information and personal data sequentially, it is also mandatory to include what abilities you already have.

In an era like now, work is not only seen from the value of education alone. More than that, the company's HRD will consider the abilities of the applicant candidate.

For example, if you want to become a graphic designer in a company or start-up. It would be better if the applicant listed his achievements and abilities. For example, have made designs for certain companies or agencies.

Likewise, if you have attended training related to the job to be applied for.

The ability of the applicant has an important role when going to work later and this will affect the results.

Thus, if during the training or trial period the company is satisfied with the applicant's abilities, it will definitely be retained to become a permanent employee.

3. Introduce yourself briefly, concisely and clearly
The third step in making an online CV is to make it short and concise. Most companies, especially the HRD division, will like a candidate who describes himself in a concise and concise manner.

Things that are too long-winded will make HRD feel reluctant to read online CVs.

Especially if the language used is informal or too boring. This is where a skill is needed.

If you want to describe yourself, try to use language that is easy to understand. If using a language style that is easy to understand, HRD will read the entire contents of the online CV and consider the applicant as the best applicant candidate.

A short and concise online CV also reflects a person's performance. That is, applicants will be considered by HRD as candidates who do not like to linger or delay in completing work properly.

Author: Ika Shintya
processed from various sources
